UniCamillus Global Health Journal

UGHJ has an interdisciplinary nature, and it covers themes which are complementary with one another. International health cooperation, social vulnerability, the great migratory flows and migrants’ health, the vaccination issue, the use of new technologies in healthcare and their ethical impact are not independent variables. They are rather the building blocks of a single mosaic: that of global health. Every issue can be disassembled to conduct a more in-depth analysis of the single components, to then recompose it and obtain an overall view, in accordance with a recurring procedure in medical sciences.

Open Access (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) & Repository Policy
UGHJ is a magazine published in two edition. The paper edition is for sale and the electronic edition is full available in open access.
Authors are free to deposit a copy of their paper, both the Accepted Version (Author Accepted Manuscript) and the Published Version (Version of Record) in an institutional or other repository of their choice.

Each journal issue can be read in Italian, Spanish, French, German, Danish, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, Turkish and Dutch at

Authors hold the copyright of their own articles.
For the Journal: © Gruppo editoriale Tab S.r.l.

Registration number: 103/2021, Ordinary Court of Rome
Periodicity: two issues per year
ISSN print: 2785-3713
e-ISSN: 2785-4329
Principal contact:
Repository: Torrossa Open