Chiara Ravagnan

Chiara Ravagnan is an architect, PhD in Urban Planning. She has been research fellow and assistant professor at Sapienza University of Rome from 2009 to 2022 and has coordinated research projects on Sustainable mobility and Urban planning. She has been member of the Internationalization Unit of the PDTA Department at Sapienza. She is a member of the national and regional (Lazio) board of the Italian National Institute of Urban Planning (INU). She has been working in Italferr S.p.A. (FS Group) from 2022, as sustainability specialist and coordinates R&D activity of the Sustainability Unit. She is author of more that 60 publications including, in particular, books and articles on the role of sustainable mobility in territorial and urban resilience. She is also reviewer and/or editor for italian and international scientific journals.

I libri di Chiara Ravagnan

Altri contributi di Chiara Ravagnan